Run a marathon, learn a new language, quit drinking - New Year’s resolutions that seem to crop back up on our lists every, single, year. 
Oftentimes, we find ourselves wallowing in disappointment when we reflect on the past 12 months, questioning whether we’ve done enough to achieve our goals. We set ourselves up for failure because we expect life to go as we plan, exactly how and when we plan it. But routine is a luxury, one that not all of us can afford and life can hit hard sometimes. 
It is habitual for us to question what the past year has been like as it draws to a close. The nostalgia kicks in and we reminisce on the good times - and the bad. Maybe you’ve fallen in love - with a friend, with a soulmate, with a passion - or maybe you’ve lost in love and life has been unforgiving. There is a breadth of inconceivable things that happen to us every day that are beyond our control and so, my advice to myself is – this year, there are no New Year’s resolutions to work towards.
I will be forgiving if my plans stray away from my meticulous planning. Running a marathon is still miles away for me (pun very much intended) and that’s okay. Learning a new language is difficult, and I will pat myself on the back for being able to (almost) speak four. And quitting drinking is a slow journey that won’t happen overnight, but consistency is key. 
This year, and for many to come, I am open to change, self-appreciation and forgiveness and I invite you to do the same. 
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